
Teams updated 12:02AM

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(team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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        Participants updated 12:02AM 



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        (team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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            Group Mileage Log:

              Recent Activity (5 today)

              This race ended 03/16/25 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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              • Mannymunoz92 PDX_Mile_Titans 4m ago
                5.0 miles
                10536.0 steps of steps = 5.0 miles
                 3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 4.46 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 6 days.  4th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 44 participants.
              • Mannymunoz92 PDX_Mile_Titans 6m ago
                2.6 miles
                82.56 minutes of weight lifting = 2.62 miles
                 7th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  7th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 4.06 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 6 days.  8th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 28 participants.
              • marrapun AWS Accelerate 8m ago
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
                 Passed 38 participants.
              • Adrianglee AWS - GSSO - CP 18m ago
                5.0 miles
                60.0 Minutes of volunteering = 5.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 132 participants moving AWS - GSSO -CP into #27.
              • gafangel AWS_BayArea_FS 20m ago
                15.5 miles
                3.0 hours of snowboarding = 15.5 miles
                Powder day! - Timberline Lodge ski area, Government Camp, OR, USA
                 Longest personal run/walk of this race.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 450 participants moving AWS_BayArea_FS into #120.
              • shreejay AWS-NICE 32m ago
                4.5 miles
                1.5 Hours of reading = 4.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 13.59 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.  Passed 2 participants.
              • Shawshank AWS Accelerate 32m ago
                5.8 miles
                62.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 5.8 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 53 participants.
              • Shawshank AWS Accelerate 32m ago
                0.6 miles
                20.0 minutes of weight lifting = 0.6 miles
                 Passed 8 participants.
              • Shawshank AWS Accelerate 32m ago
                2.0 miles
                40.0 minutes of wellness Meal Prep = 2.0 miles
                 Passed 15 participants.
              • No2SQNTejpur AWS-SE-NAE 37m ago
                3.9 miles
                1.0 hour of children's playground game = 3.9 mile
                End of the challenge 👏🏻
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 50.47 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.
              • joaaand AWS-SA-HQ2 39m ago
                5.7 miles
                43.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 5.7 miles
      , Potomac Yard Alexandria to Old Town Round Trip, 43 min, 10.31 miles - Old Town, Alexandria, VA, USA
                 3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  5th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 70 participants moving AWS-SA-HQ2 into #156.
              • S-Cur-Way AWS-ES-Team 43m ago
                4.0 miles
                2.5 hours of household work - mopping, painting a room, etc. = 4.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 16.94 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.
              • S-Cur-Way AWS-ES-Team 44m ago
                4.8 miles
                10064.0 steps of steps = 4.8 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 17.02 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.
              • S-Cur-Way AWS-ES-Team 44m ago
                7.5 miles
                2.5 Hours of reading = 7.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 17.29 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 10 days.  Passed 1 participant.
              • sagundal GTSS AMER 46m ago
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                 5th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  5th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  5th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 30 participants.
              • monsturi AWS Accelerate 1h ago
                1.3 miles
                25.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.3 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 3.18 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 8 days.  Passed 24 participants.
              • berzahni AWSI-HCLS 1h ago
                3.8 miles
                3.8 miles of walking = 3.8 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 4.12 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 80 participants moving AWSI-HCLS into #95.
              • walmstev PlusTAM 1h ago
                9.1 miles
                68 minutes of Bicycling, vigorous pace = 9.1 miles
                Afternoon Ride - View on Strava
                 2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  2nd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 8.91 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 8 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 28 participants.
              • Rumaisa AWS-US-FSI-TAMs 1h ago
                7.0 miles
                2.0 hours of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 7.0 miles
                 5th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  5th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  6th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 4 participants moving AWS-US-FSI-TAMs into #7.
              • Rumaisa AWS-US-FSI-TAMs 1h ago
                1.5 miles
                30.0 Minutes of meditation = 1.5 miles
                 🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 1 participant.
              • Rumaisa AWS-US-FSI-TAMs 1h ago
                12.0 miles
                4.0 Hours of reading = 12.0 miles
                 🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 9 participants moving AWS-US-FSI-TAMs into #8.
              • chaseke PDX_Mile_Titans 1h ago
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of walking = 4.0 miles
                 3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race.  3rd Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 72 participants.
              • EdsonBM DNB TAMs 1h ago
                8.4 miles
                1.5 hours of soccer, competitive = 8.4 miles
                 Longest personal run/walk of this race.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 242 participants moving DNBTAMs into #119.
              • sunandamathews AWS LATAM 1h ago
                3.0 miles
                60.0 Minutes of reading = 3.0 miles
                 8th Longest personal run/walk of this race.  8th Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 4.82 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 8 days.  8th Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 22 participants moving AWSLATAM into #40.
              • sunandamathews AWS LATAM 1h ago
                4.5 miles
                4.5 miles of walking = 4.5 miles
                 Longest personal run/walk of this race.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 4.57 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 8 days.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 57 participants.
              • see more...
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              (team members logging since Mar 10, 2025)



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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  Log Activity

                  This race ended 03/16/25 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!

                  About + Join

                  • From: Calgary, Alberta CA
                  • To: Brisbane, Queensland AU
                  • Start date: March 7, 2025
                  • End date: March 16, 2025
                  • 0:00
                  • 23:59
                  • Route distance: 24,901 miles
                  • Total logged: 38,862.2 miles
                  Welcome to the AWS Women's Volunteer Challenge!

                  Exercise anywhere you want, then log the activity and help push the AWS Team avatar to the finish line. Share your bib on social media or Slack! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!

                  We've got participants all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                    1. Complete your bio and add an avatar. (Click the face top right on

                    2. Update your passcode in settings.

                    3. We want a level playing field, so conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis = ~1 hour running. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.

                    4. If you log via Strava, running/walking miles will register, and cycling and swimming minutes converted. No other activities will transfer.

                    5. You've got two days to backdate activities. For additional actitivities dating back to March 8, please add in bulk. 

                    6. Don’t like one type of Racery email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                    7. Leaderboards and the Global Team avatar update once every four hours. 

                    8. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles — a good map or watch suffices.

                    9. Only log intentional exercise please.

                    10. Activities submitted after the challenge ends will not count toward challenge leaderboards.

                    11. Logging on the go? Download Racery's Android App or Apple App

                  Questions? Write!
                  No mileage submitted yet.